A weekly update on the latest rideshare industry news for drivers and riders. Check back often as we navigate the new normal pertaining to moving around, transportation and delivery.
Uber introduces “Uber Hourly” which means for $50/hr., riders can receive a personal driver and the flexibility to make multiple stops during their reserved time. If this allows more people to run their essential errands efficiently while also limiting their exposure to other drivers and riders…SIGN.ME.UP. Brilliant! Additional perks included with this new feature allows riders to choose from a selection of newer and more spacious vehicles. Uber Hourly is available for up to 8 hours and active in 12 markets including Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Philadelphia, Orlando, Tampa Bay and Seattle.
Lyft reports a gradual increase in rides and business but rides are still down a whopping 70% when compared to a year ago.
Uber reports a gradual increase in rides as lockdown restrictions ease and steady, consistent business with their food delivery service, Uber Eats.
Whether you’re driving or riding, stay safe out there folks!